Updated : 04/22/2024
The city of Julesburg, CO has adopted the following codes:
– The international Building Codes, 2018 edition. Muni code §15.4.10 (adopted) with amendments §15.4.10. Including appendix AG, AH, AI, and AJ.
– The International Residential Code, 2018 edition. muni code §15.4.20 (adoption) with amendments §15.4.20.
Helpful resources for Julesburg, Colorado include the following.
Residential Building Code
Colorado has yet to adopt a statewide residential code. Local laws will control.See PLRB,
Colorado Building Codes for more information on state level codes.
Julesburg adopted the 2018 IRC, locally. Note that adoptions usually come with amendments. So, it is important to review those amendments in addition to the unamended model code.
You can find a copy of the model code here.
You can find information about amendments to the model code
Auto Search - beta:
See Muni. Code(Julesburg, CO 17.12.080 - Fences—Construction regulations.)
...structure requiring a permit under Section 17.12.060 shall be erected or repaired unless it is done in a safe and workmanlike manner in
compliance with the currently adopted Uniform Building Code. The building inspector
is expressly authorized to develop and enforce rules and regulations necessary and
convenient for carrying out the purpose of this chapter...
Drip Edge
Drip Edge: undetermined
Ice Barrier
Are ice barriers required for Julesburg ? Yes
Ice Barriers are required when the roof is "equal to or below a 33 percent slope" according to section 905.1.2 of the IRC.
The International Residential Code, 2018 edition. muni code §15.4.20 (adoption) with amendments §15.4.20.
Commercial Building Code
Julesburg adopted the 2018 IBC, locally. Note that adoptions usually come with amendments. So, it is important to review those amendments in addition to the unamended model code.
You can find a copy of the code
here.You can find information about amendments to the model code
Auto Search - beta:
See Muni. Code(Julesburg, CO Chapter 15.04 - BUILDING CODE)
The city of Julesburg, CO adopts the International Building Code, 2018 edition. Muni code §15.4 (adopted) with amendments §15.4.
Other Building Codes
The International Mechanical Code, 2018 edition. muni code §15.4.40 (adoption) with amendments §15.4.40. with appendies AA, AB, AC, AD.
The International Fire Code, 2018 edition. muni code. §15.4.50 (adoption) with amendments §15.4.50.
The International Fuel and Gas Code, 2018 edition. muni code. §15.4.60 (adoption) with amendments §15.4.60.
The International Energy Conservation Code, 2018 edition. muni code. §15.4.70 (adoption) with amendments §15.4.70.